**Blogging while watching Buying Beverly Hills and waiting for baby boy to make his appearance**
Well, here I am almost 39 weeks and I cannot believe the baby is almost here! I have been looking forward to my time off of work before the baby comes (Google gives you 4 weeks and I took an additional 2 of vacation) for such a long time, and I can't believe it's almost over. Yes, I'm excited to meet my son, but these care-free days of resting and nesting were just the best. I wanted to document some of the things I did this last month+.
Prepped the nursery. This was a huge project since we were starting with literally a blank slate. When we moved into the house 2 years ago, we knew eventually it would become a nursery, but we just left it alone for all that time.

I spent a lot of time at acupuncture getting my body ready to deliver this baby. Angela is such a healer and helped keep me in tip top shape throughout my whole pregnancy. (And helped me actually GET pregnant).
LOTS of midday trips top Target and sometimes the boo tagged along :)
One thing I didn't do when I had Rhy but I wish I did was go to Pelvic Floor PT. I learned so much from my physical therapist, Karson. She was so knowledgeable about how to keep my pelvic floor healthy, strong and happy during pregnancy and postpartum.
I was mostly in leggings during these weeks but I did dress up exactly twice. Once for a fancy work dinner with Kyle and then for my Sprinkle that Kyle's Aunt and Uncle threw for us.
As part of tradition, went to the Cubs home opener.
Took Rhy to Indiana to visit friends and family.
Danced - A LOT!
and of course I got in ALL the Rhynder snuggles I could.
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