SpoOoOoOky Season 2020

  **Blogging while watching Coco in honor of Día de los Muertos. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend!**

Even though 2020 has been scary enough, I was so excited for October to roll around and do all our fun Halloween activities (it's my favorite holiday after-all). 

We love a good punny costume, and this year was no different. Rhy went as a RHY-no, Kyle was a zookeeper and I just wore all the animal print things I had. :) 

After dropping Rhy off at day care we took the wolf out to get coffee. (He's part of this zoo too!) 


My team celebrated by doing virtual cookie decorating with Hocus Pocus themed cookies. It was so much fun! Mine turned out much better than I thought they would and they were so yummy to eat after. 


On Saturday, we took Rhy to show her how democracy works: by voting! She was very intrigued with the entire process. Such a cool experience to bring her. Can't wait to show her these pictures one day of her first time voting.


   After voting we went home and carved some pumpkins. Halloween this year was on the most gorgeous day! It was probably the last time we would spend time out on our veranda. We cherished every second. 

Halloween night we met up with another family that goes to the same day care and also live in our neighborhood! Rhy and Sylvie have the same wagon, so we merged them together and they thoroughly enjoyed walking the streets together.


It was so great to see all the innovated way people were handing out candy in a COVID world. We saw many chutes, slides, and even a catapulte!  




After trick or treating, and getting Rhy down, we spent the rest of the night enjoying the amazing weather and the beautiful full, blue moon. I had to have a Blue Moon to honor the rare occasion. 


Halloween always reminds me of when we got Bran. Bran's Gotcha Day is November 1st. I can't believe we got him 5 years ago. He's the best. 

Lastly, I had to post this picture of this little HAM in another costume from Mimi and Grumpy. 

With election anxiety riding high this week, make sure you are taking care of yourselves. 




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