The kid goes to daycare
**Blogging while watching the Democratic National Convention (beginning montage got me)**
Today was the first day of a new chapter in the Schulz household: Rhynder started daycare!
I cannot believe today has finally arrived. After dropping her off, walking home in tears, I started MY new transition: back to work. A part of me has always wondered if I would be like being a stay at home mom. Well, I had the privileged to actually try it and get a glimpse into that life. Let me tell you, it is not for me. Absolutely no shade to SAHMs - everyone is different - but I just know, now, it's not for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I had all that 1:1 time with Rhynder and I got to see her first steps live, see her personality grow first hand, but I'm so looking forward to getting my career back on track and daily adult interaction.
Luckily, Rhy's daycare is down the street so it was nice to know she was so close. Our house was eerily quiet - it has been a LONG time since it was just Kyle and I at home. We got so many pictures throughout the day, which made it easier and of course, I picked her up early. :)
Just like I knew she would, Rhynder thrived. Angela (owner of the daycare) said that she had so much confidence and everyone loved playing with her. When she got home, she was exhausted from all the fun!
It had been a looooong time since Kyle and I had a date night, so last weekend we decided to get out of the house (safely). We got pedicures, picked up take out sushi and drank all the champagne. We had a lot to celebrate...Kyle got an AMAZING promotion and I could not be prouder of him. He has been working so hard and his work is paying off. He is now Executive Vice President of Economic Development and Global Strategy for World Business Chicago. He's a rock-star and he's my husband. :)
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