3 months in

**Blogging while pumping. Pumping SUCKS. I hate it Uggghhh**

As summer comes to an end and I enter my last month of maternity leave (nooooooooo), I realized I haven't blogged as much as I thought I would. To my surprise, I have been EXTREMELY busy this summer with a baby. I thought I would be bored during mat leave, but it has been quite the opposite. 

Some things I have been up to:

Training for a 5k  - Coming up Sept 7th! It was so hard getting back at it but I am feeling stronger with every run. It's amazing how weak you get after having a baby!

Post-Natal Pilates - My neighbor is a post-natal Pilates instructor and she has really helped me realize the importance of taking care of and repairing/strengthening my pelvic floor after giving birth. I didn't even know what a pelvic floor was before she told me! She has been so helpful in teaching me about my post baby body. 

Chicago New Mom's Group - This group has truly been a godsend. We meet once a week and talk about the trials and tribulations of motherhood. The good, the bad, the ugly. Everyone has been open, honest and vulnerable about the hardships of being a mom. Even though the class is over, we all still keep in touch via group chats and meet ups. 

Baby and Mom Dance Class - This is SO.MUCH.FUN! It's a great workout, especially carrying an extra 13 lbs and Rhy loves the movement. 

Growing a healthy, lovable human - all the feeding and the naps and the play time. It's amazing how much she has grown these last 3 months!

Keeping up my marriage - This can easily fall by the wayside after having a kid. Kyle and I made sure to prioritize our marriage by continuing our monthly therapy sessions and date nights sans baby. :)


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