Thirty AF

**Blogging while watching the finale of MTV's The Challenges**
*Another note: I am SO excited for Jersey Shore to come back...nostalgia, here I come*

So if you follow me on Instagram, you have probably seen all my stories about my Whole30 journey. I wanted to talk about about why I decided to do this. 

What is Whole30?
30 days of no sugar, no grains, no legumes, no dairy and...wait for ALCOHOL. :( If you know me, you know how much I love my wine. But pretty much it is suppose to be a "reset" for your body so you can stop those unhealthy cravings and habits, restart your metabolism, heal your digestive tract, and balance your immune system. 

Why am I doing this?
I want to be clear: I am not doing this to loose weight. (This was really hard for Kyle to get his head around). I have always had an unhealthy relationship with food. I crave things all the time, I would go on binges - gain and loose weight like a roller coaster, and drink Diet Coke like it's water. (Except that analogy doesn't really work here b/c I never drink water but you get what I'm saying). I want my body to use what I put in it for energy and not as a clutch. 

Also, I'm turning the big 3-0 in April and I thought this would be a great birthday gift to myself. 

Is Kyle doing it?
At first, when I asked him to do this with me he said..HELL NO! But after convincing him, he is more into it than I am. It's so much easier to do this with a partner. Hardest part is grocery shopping and meal prepping and it's way more fun with someone. Also - we keep each other accountable. 

Where are we now?
DAY 10! Not going to lie, it has been a long 10 days...but we are still going strong. Already seeing a difference:  I have been sleeping SO much better, my energy levels are crazy high, my skin is more clear and I am weirdly more happy. (I know that sounds crazy but I can't explain it). We have cooked some INCREDIBLE meals, we are learning so much (like how much processed crap goes into EVERYTHING), and saving :)

 My favorite part has been creating a journal with notes, all our meal plans, and grocery lists: 

Hopefully I will have another update for you in 20 days....if I don't slip up. REALLY craving a diet coke right now. :)




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