Fly the W

**Blogging while watching the Cubs in Game 6 of the World Series**

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and enjoying FALL (my favorite). Some exciting stuff has been going on in the Schulz household: The Cubs. Kyle has been a lifelong fan and his excitement has been contagious.  

We even got Bran in the spirit!

My parents and grandparents came to Austin for my dad's birthday and we were able to cross off a couple of my Austin bucket list "to-dos".  First, there is a food truck that serves Thai ice cream right next to where we live and we have been trying to go there for over a year! We finally made it!

Second, we took the gang to The Little Longhorn Saloon for "Chicken Shit Bingo". Yes, you read that right and YES, it is exactly what you think it is. You buy a square and whichever square the chicken poops on wins the bucket of money. It is kind of odd but people from all over the country come to see this take place. Texas knows how to party.

It was so nice to spend time with my family, show them our cute neighborhood and celebrate my dad!  

 Everyone knows my favorite holiday is Halloween and my favorite activity is to make homemade Halloween costumes. This year we dressed up as Snapchat filters. It was so much fun putting eyeliner on Kyle.

For Googleween, our team dressed as characters from shows on Cartoon Network. I'm so lucky I work for a company that puts so much effort and importance on my favorite holiday.

Okay, time for some scary stuff...

Couple of days ago I got an alarming call from my brother. My sweet baby niece, Josephine, had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. Within the last 2 days she has had 3 seizures, 2 spinal taps, IVs in her arm and shin, EEG, MRI and not enough sleep. We are still waiting to get some results and hopefully answers. Please keep her and her parents in your thoughts. I can't even imagine going through something like this. She is such a tough cookie! Sending good vibes your way, Joey!!!


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